Unique Opportunity for Long Beach Business Leaders
For Immediate Release
More Info: Ann Heusser, 626-806-9108Aug 24, 2023
Long Beach, CA – A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity faces Long Beach area business leaders, courtesy of its sister city, Qingdao, China (“Qing-Dao”), announced Ann Heusser, Board member of the Long Beach-Qingdao Association. “Our friends in Qingdao have offered an expense-paid visit for five people to attend the tenth Regional Leaders Summit in late September in Shandong Province, the ‘California of China.’” The participants will focus on the green environment and low-carbon life, with international collaboration opportunities among the seven prominent world regions.
The 20-year-old Regional Leaders Summit is an international network of regions, ranging from the U.S. State of Georgia to Bavaria, Shandong, and more. The RLS avoids the diplomatic awkwardness of nation-to-nation relations and capitalizes on the creative energy of more localized relations. Attendees seek partnerships and collaboration with others in attendance.
The Long Beach area participants must provide their own airfare to Shandong, but all local expenses will be covered, including hotel, meals, conference fees, and logistics. Anyone attending must have a current passport and a visa issued locally by the Chinese Consulate.
The other regions in the RLS network, across five continents, include Sao Paulo, Quebec City, Western Cape (South Africa), and Upper Austria. Their purpose is to generate multilateral partnerships. Past collaborations have included a scientific network based on renewable energies.
Because of the short time and limited number of free spaces, it is imperative that interested businesspeople move quickly. To apply, contact: longbeachqingdao@gmail.com.
The Long Beach-Qingdao Association is nearly 30 years old and is affiliated with Sister Cities International in Washington, D.C. Its multi-award-winning efforts have included many exchanges of business and academic groups between Long Beach and Qingdao.
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